The NaKu organic bottle as a freshness dispenser at the KPH SDG Hiking Day 2022

The NaKu organic bottle as a refreshment dispenser

The NaKu organic bottle was included as a refreshment dispenser at the SDG Hiking Day 2022 at KPH Krems

After the opening and welcome by the Rectorate, the students presented their thoughts on sustainable action and work as part of a tour of the park next to our university. The contents of the stations were developed in an integrative manner in seminars and exercises and all point in a promising direction.

As a reward for completing the stations, the participants could find out about the NaKu organic bottle made of bioplastic be happy. garbage could in NaKu organic garbage bags to be collected.

The NaKu organic bottle as a refreshment dispenser. Photo credit: Ecclesiastical University of Education Vienna/Krems
Photo credit: Ecclesiastical University of Education Vienna/Krems

The end of the SDG hiking day was the minimuscial "The well-travelled teddy bear", which was independently developed and composed by students in the eighth semester.

Here go straight to the report on the KPH website.

Photo credit for all photos: Ecclesiastical University of Education Vienna/Krems

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