NaKu products made from plant-based renewable raw materials - bioplastics

Make natural plastic yourself

A great guide to making bioplastic – just make natural plastic yourself!

Yes, you read that right! You can easily make natural plastic yourself at home with a few simple steps. Try it out, it's also a great experiment for children and very educational!

In a  first step will first 1/4 liter whole milk with two tablespoons of vinegar mixed and heated in a saucepan. Be careful not to let the mixture boil! during heating stir constantly. The milk flocculates and first Lump of natural plastic form.

These flakes with a sieve from the pot get out and the squeeze out liquid. Then knead and roll out the dough. Now the unrolled natural plastic geformt For example, cut out the NaKu sheet of the postcard and use it as a template or use cookie cutters.

The plastic molds at 70 degrees for 45 minutes put in a preheated oven. The figure made of natural plastic is ready!

Tip: poke a hole in the top of the figure in front of the oven so that you can hang it up afterwards! The natural plastic can too colored simply stir in additional colored juice or powder while boiling! The best are:

  • beet juice
  • Curry
  • Turmeric
  • Watercolors
How natural plastic is homemade
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