Award ceremony for the HBLFA Horticultural School Schönbrunn Energy Globe Award 2021 plant bag project with the students and Professor Wagenknecht

Presentation of the prize to the HBLFA Schönbrunn

NaKu already has the in 2021 Energy Globe Award Austria won in the soil category for the NaKu plant bag. The NaKu plant bag was developed together with two students from the Schönbrunn School of Horticulture under the direction of Prof. Wagenknecht and is an innovative solution for sustainable plant breeding.

We have now presented the Energy Globe Award and certificates of recognition to the two students and the Schönbrunn Horticultural School as part of the award ceremony at the graduation ceremony. We are very proud of this award and would like to thank everyone involved for their hard work and commitment.

The background to the NaKu plant bag

The NaKu plant bag was developed at the time as part of the “Books for Trees” project by HBLFA Gartenbau Schönbrunn. The aim of this project was to support natural regeneration in Kenya through reforestation and to raise awareness of the consequences of deforestation. In 2017, however, there was a ban on plastic bags in Kenya, which banned the PE bags previously used for growing seedlings. So the school contacted us and within a few days we developed a prototype plant bag made of natural plastic.

In addition to being biodegradable, our plant bags have other advantages, such as being guaranteed to be free of microplastics and permeable to air, as well as retaining water, so that permanent moisture in the roots ensures better growth. Due to the ability to rot by itself, the NaKu plant bag is not only environmentally friendly, but also makes work easier. The farmers can easily plant the seedlings and the sack without any additional work steps being necessary.

The NaKu plant bag is a great example of how innovation and sustainability can go hand in hand. We look forward to continuing to develop innovative solutions for a sustainable future.

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