NaKu with freemee cosmetics

Test production for natural cosmetics cartridge started

As promised, we will again report to you on the progress of our packaging project (natural cosmetic cartridge) made of bioplastic for the natural cosmetic products from freemee cosmetics. A lot has happened in the last few weeks; there were several steps in fine-tuning the individual components of the bioplastic cartridge and optimizing the injection molding tools. The first test production has now started.

Anyone who has not followed this NaKu packaging project made of bioplastics - the company freemee cosmetics has developed an ingenious and sustainable reusable jar for their cosmetics. The sustainable reusable jar itself is made of wood and has a rotating glass top. Inside is an exchangeable cartridge made of bioplastics from NaKu. In this way, reusable packaging is combined with a sustainable solution made from bioplastics. Even the production of the natural cosmetics cartridge is located in Austria in order to keep transport distances as short as possible.

In the following video, the two young company founders Hannah and Patrick explain who is behind freemee cosmetics and why they work together with NaKu. In short, it all started with Hannah and Patrick wanting to have the components of their reusable jar for the various freemee natural cosmetic products produced sustainably and regionally, the individual components of the jar should also consist of natural raw materials. But see for yourself:

After a meticulous development period, the first cartridges have now been produced, and different bioplastic mixtures have been tried out and analysed. Small changes still have to be made so that the end product really meets the high requirements. How the cartridge parts are made of bioplastics is demonstrated in the following video by our managing director Johann Zimmermann. It is particularly exciting that a multiple tool is used in the injection molding process, with which several cartridge components can be produced simultaneously in a single operation.

How does the jar and the natural cosmetic cartridge work?

Prototype natural cosmetic jar and natural cosmetic cartridge made of PLA
Crucible prototype

The cosmetic jar from freemee cosmetics consists of three main components. The heart, the actual cartridge made of polylactic acid (PLA), i.e. a bioplastic, is located in a square wooden container made of nut or oak. The cartridge contains the cream and when you turn the rotating glass attachment at the top, a slider moves like a screw inside the cartridge, which moves the cream to the outside to open. The advantage of this principle: There are no residues left in the cartridge and there is no need to annoyingly scrape out the last residue. In this way, valuable resources are not thrown away unused, as is still the case with many packaging solutions today. With this sophisticated dispenser system, an optimal dosage of the amount of cream is guaranteed.

What's in the cream?

Usually only isolated active ingredients or individual components of a plant are used in cosmetics - freemee has chosen a different path by incorporating the entire flower and not just isolated parts. The main component of the cream is the rose. Their circulation-enhancing, moisturizing and smoothing effect makes care products with ingredients from the rose ideal helpers for dry and seasoned skin.

Why the rose is only so effective in its sum can be compared with an orchestra. Every single instrument has its relevance. If one is missing, the sound is no longer perfect. It's the same with the rose - every single substance contributes to its effect. If we isolate parts, the power is no longer the same.

The scent of the rose has been found to have beneficial effects on heart rate and the parasympathetic nervous system. In general, those surrounded by the subtle scent of roses feel more relaxed and connected to nature.

Like hardly any other oil, wild rose oil supports skin regeneration and stimulates cell renewal. It is also anti-inflammatory and therefore not only suitable for dry or mature skin, but also for impure skin.

A study has proven it: an apple with 100 grams (approx 4,6 mg Vitamin C) has the same antioxidant effect like 1500mg isolated vitamin C

That is why the rose in the freemee rose set acts like an orchestra that plays its best symphony and the skin is optimally supplied with the highest power of the rose.

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