The international plastic bag ban

Plastic bag ban worldwide

Plastic bag ban – The global overview map

The plastic bag ban in an international comparison - since the beginning of 2020, no plastic bags have been allowed to be given to customers in Austria. Sacks that have already been ordered or are in stock may still be handed out until the end of the year.

The ban on plastic bags was passed in the National Council in July 2019. The ban is intended to avoid up to 7.000 tons of plastic waste in Austria. Bags are often only used once or not disposed of properly. The ban therefore relieves the environment.

NaKu offers an alternative to conventional bags. Sacks are made of natural plastic, ie they are made from renewable raw materials and are compostable. They are therefore environmentally friendly and therefore still allowed. They are significantly cheaper and have a lower carbon footprint than traditional plastic or paper bags.

Austria is not alone! Many other countries around the world have already banned plastic bags. Europe is by no means a role model here. African countries reacted with a ban much earlier and are also much stricter.

Of course, a plastic bag ban is just a drop in the ocean when you compare the 7.000 tons of plastic bags with the 300.000 tons of packaging waste per year. That is just 2 percent of Austrian plastic packaging waste. However, the ban is an important step towards environmental protection. It sends a signal to the industry and thus increases the pressure towards more sustainable alternatives.

#don't say plastic to me!

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